Folios Terminology



Artifacts are content uploaded to your profile. Artifacts can be files, documents, videos, photos, and other embeddable content.


Badges are digital accolades you have received, usually as part of educational achievements. Badges can commemorate you having reached certain milestones or winning awards. You can import badges you have earned to your profile.


A bio, or introduction, is a way for you to introduce yourself on your profile. Your introduction should include your educational background, your professional experience, and some information about your hobbies and personality. A bio is a good way to introduce yourself to new connections, in writing.


Challenges are sponsored competitions in which you can submit your projects to be judged against the challenge criteria and possibly win prizes.


Companies are business or corporations that employ people. Companies use Canvas Student ePortfolios as a recruitment tool, so building out your Canvas Student ePortfolios profile and portfolio is a great way to virtually introduce yourself to potential employers. You can follow companies on Canvas Student ePortfolios to receive their updates, get notified when they post new jobs, and get featured in their talent pool when you apply for a job.


Connections are people you have met in your education and professional experience. Connections don't have to be people you have met in person, but can also be people who work in an industry, company, or role you are interested in. Connections are also a good way to meet a potential mentor.

Cover Photo

A cover photo is a photo that displays at the top of your profile, behind your name, location, and other basic information.

Exclusive Networks

Exclusive networks are networks in which membership is only granted to users who meet certain requirements. Many schools have exclusive networks on Canvas Student ePortfolios and membership is reserved for students and alumni of that institution.


Jobs are employment opportunities posted on Canvas Student ePortfolios. You can use your Canvas Student ePortfolios profile and materials to apply for jobs directly on Canvas Student ePortfolios, or on a company's website. Additionally, you can add your previous jobs and roles to your profile to give potential employers and connections an idea of your professional experience.


Your name, as you want it to display on Canvas Student ePortfolios. You can update your name in your Profile settings, if needed.


A portfolio is a collection of all the projects a user has uploaded.


A profile provides an overview of a member of Canvas Student ePortfolios. A profile is made up of personal information, a resume, a portfolio, your current location, and connections.


Projects are work you have completed as part of your education or career that you upload to your portfolio. Projects can be essays, lab research and results, reports, schoolwork, and more.


A resume is an overview document of your education and professional background. It helps employers get an idea of your skills, qualifications, knowledge, and talents. You are encouraged to upload your current resume to your Canvas Student ePortfolios profile.


Skills are knowledge, processes, and talents you have learned as part of your education and professional career. Your skill section should encompass both soft skills (communication, teamwork, etc.) and technical skills (specific software and hardware competencies, drawing, design, etc.).

Social Media Accounts

Social media accounts are accounts you maintain on other platforms to connect with other people. You can connect several social media platforms to your account, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, and more. Linking your social media accounts allows you to import content from those accounts to your Canvas Student ePortfolios profile and allows you to publish your Canvas Student ePortfolios profile and projects to your linked accounts.


A tagline is a short one-sentence description about you and should encompass your background and interests. It is displayed on your profile.


Tags, or hashtags, are words or short phrases added to projects and challenges that help other users find your work. A tag should simply describe your project or content.

Tagged Teammates

Tagged teammates are people you have indicated as contributors to projects you have worked on. Tagging teammates on your shared work helps give them credit they have earned and shows you have experience working on teams/groups. Additionally, other Canvas Student ePortfolios members can tag you on projects you have contributed to.


The Canvas Student ePortfolios Toolbar is the navigation menu that displays at the top of most Canvas Student ePortfolios pages. It includes a universal search and links to the home page, the discover page, the jobs page, tasks (if enrolled in Pathways), notifications, your user settings, and a quick link to add a new project to your portfolio.


Your username is a field in your profile that allows you to customize your profile URL. When you set up your Canvas Student ePortfolios account, a username and profile URL are auto-generated for you, however, many Canvas Student ePortfolios members update their profile URL to contain their name.



Article ID: 8061
Tue 6/4/24 2:12 PM