UT Southern faculty and staff members have the ability to reserve a room on campus for meetings and events. This can be done through either Outlook or Teams. See the instructions below for a step-by-step guide on how to do this. *NOTE: If you are reserving the room for an event, please fill out this form to notify all of the necessary campus resources of your event.
1. In Outlook or Teams, go to the calendar tab and add a new event.
2. Click on Add Location. In Teams, you first search for the building, and then you can select the room from the list. In Outlook, you can search for the room name directly without having to specify the building first. The status message will be Free if that room is available or Busy if someone has already reserved that room for the meeting time you specified. Click on the room you wish to reserve. *Note: All rooms that are a part of the UT Southern campus will have the prefix "UTS". If you need assistance finding the room, you can use Room Finder to search by building.
*Note: If you'd like to know what event has the hold on the room, you can go to the Scheduling Assistant tab.
3. Once you have all of your details for your reservation finalized, click Save (or Send depending on if you invited any attendees).
4. You will receive an email confirmation from the room you reserved. This means your reservation was successful!
*IMPORTANT NOTE: If a class is later scheduled to meet in that room that conflicts with your meeting/event, you will receive a message from the room notifying you of the conflict. If you get this message, you will need to choose another room for your event.