How Do I Add Projects To My Portfolio?
Open Profile
To open your profile, click the Me drop-down menu [1], then click the View Profile link [2].
Open Portfolio
Click the Portfolio tab.
Add New Project
On the Portfolio page, you can view any projects you have already added.
To add a new project, click the Add new project link.
Name Project
In the Project Title field, add a name for the project.
Upload Attachments
In the Attachments section, you can add attachments to your project. You can upload a supported file type [1], insert a link [2], or embed your project from a connected account [3].
- You can add up to 100 attachments to a project.
- Each attachment file can be up to 4 gigabytes (GB) in size.
Add Category
Add a category to define your project and help other Canvas Student ePortfolios users find your project more easily. Click the Category field to scroll through the list of categories [1] or start typing the name of your desired category [2]. Then click the Category name when it displays in the list [3].
Visit the Canvas Student ePortfolios community to view a list of all available categories.
Add Description
In the Description field, add a brief overview of your project and your experience creating the project.
Add Skills
Add skills you used to create your project or skills you learned while creating the project.
In the Skills field, start typing the name of a skill you want to add [1]. When the name of the desired skill displays in the search results, click the skill name to add it to the project [2]. Added skills display a checkmark [3].
Tag Teammates
If you worked with classmates or colleagues on the project, tag them in the project to give them credit and showcase your teamwork. In the Teammates field, start typing the name of your teammate [1]. When their name displays in the search results, click their name to add them to the project [2].
Add Tags
Tags help other Canvas Student ePortfolios users filter search results and find your project more easily. Tags can help link learning outcomes to projects. For example, the tag #Outcome1 can be used to associate this project with Outcome 1 for the course or program.
In the Tags field, start typing the name of a tag you want to add [1]. When the name of the desired tag displays in the search results, click the tag name to add it to the project [2]. Added tags display a checkmark [3].
Note: You do not have the include the hash tag symbol (#) when searching for tags to add.
Preview Project
Before your publish your project, you can preview how it will look for other users. Click the Preview button [1] to view your project.
To view and adjust visibility and commenting settings for your project, click the Settings icon [2]. To submit your project to a Canvas assignment, you must change the visibility to Public:
Save Project
When you have added all your project details, you can save your project. Click the Publish button [1] to immediately publish your project on your profile and allow other users to view your project. Click the Finish Later button [2] to save a draft of your project.
See Submitting Your Project URL To A Canvas Assignment to learn how to submit your Folio projects into Canvas.