How Do I Send Documents Through The UT Vault As An External Sender?

If you are outside of the UT System and need to send secure content through the UT Vault, follow these steps:

1.) Go to

2.) Under the "Non-UT Users" section, click the "Register and Log In with Email" button.


3.) If you've never used the UT Vault before, you'll need to register your email address. (If you've already registered your email, proceed to step 4).

     a.) Click "Register an Email Address"

     b.) Enter your email address in the box, then click "Register"

     c.) An email will be sent to the email address you specified with a link to activate your account. Click the link in the email you receive.

     d.) Enter a password and then click "Set Password"

     e.) Your account has been activated! you can click the link to be redirected to the login page.

4.) Enter your email address and password, then click "Log In"


5.) Enter the email content information, such as the recipient, subject, and message body.

6.) To attach a file, click the "Choose File" button and select your desired file. Make sure the "Send" checkbox is selected for the attachment you want to send.

7.) If you want to receive an email when the recipient opens your email, you can check the "Send me verification when the message is received" box.

8.) Click "Send Message"